King imhotep biography for kids

When was imhotep born and died

Imhotep was the architect, physician, scribe, and chief advisor of the 3rd-Dynasty pharaoh Djoser.

king imhotep biography for kids

What was imhotep known for

Imhotep was a legendary Egyptian architect, astrologer, physician, engineer, chancellor to the pharaoh Djoser, and high priest of the sun god Ra at Heliopolis.

How old was imhotep when he died

This illustrated children’s book offers a biography of a famous architect and doctor and places his and Egypt’s legacies in the context of African history.
Was imhotep a pharaoh
The first architect known by name to written history, Imhotep (sometimes spelled Amenhotep), as the Pharoah Djosèr's Vizier, designed the the Pyramid of Djzosèr at Saqqara in Egypt around .